
This strategic product narrative used a house-building metaphor to explain persistent reliability issues caused by a major code rewrite. It helped repair market confidence in Capture One software, and built up my company’s reputation as trustworthy SMEs.

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Writing - Doug Peterson

AI for Photo Archives

My chapter titled “Decoding Pictorial Collections Using Faces” highlighted the value of AI Face Recognition technology in making photographic archives more accessible.

This publication established our expertise with high-level decision-makers in cultural institutions, and led to a major AI project with National Geographic Society.



Writing - Doug Peterson

Color Science

The Phase One IQ3 100mp Trichromatic was a flagship product that was identical to its predecessor except in its use of a new color filter array (CFA). Phase One’s launch messaging did a poor job explaining the practical value of this improvement.

I wrote this explainer in clear, approachable language for professional photographers. It featured real-world example image comparisons rather than fluffy marketing phrases.

Phase One’s Head of R+D later said my article “saved the product” after its own lackluster product launch.

Read Part 1

Read Part 2

Writing - Doug Peterson

Technology Futurism

A personal musing from 2008 on the future of imaging. The quality of my writing has improved since this article; I include it because 17 years later the trends it describes are coming true.

  • Post-capture 3D visualization methods (e.g. Gaussian Splat)

  • Migration to computational camera features

  • The impact of ultra high-ISO performance

  • Automatic exposure indistinguishable from “magic”

  • The rise of ES (electronic shutter) in photographic cameras

  • The blurring of lines between still and motion cameras

Read via WayBackMachine

Writing - Doug Peterson

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